March 18,2019
On the night of March 18, 2019, Denis went to the house of Paul Wiedmaier, who Denis believed was his best friend. He intended to spend the night studying and preparing for a test the next day. Instead, he was betrayed by Paul. He entered alive and was carried out dead the next morning. This is a sad story of how Denis belived his "best friend" betrayed him, called a drug dealer and two time felon, Nicholas Remington, to his house and allowed him to assault, batter, intentionally inflict
emotional distress, act in a negligent manner, act in a grossly negligent manner, act in willful and wanton manner, commit fraud, silent fraud, and civil conspiracy and killed Denis Preka.
and the “best friend” not only didn’t help him but was laughing and having fun watching him suffer and finding out he was a co-conspirator in the heinous crime.
Paul on March 18th 2019 10 PM had invited over to his house two friends: Connor Gibaratz and Nicholas Remington, a well-known drug dealer around the University of Michigan. At some point in the evening, while Denis was studying, he asked Paul for Adderall, a commonly used study aid pill, Paul told Denis he didn’t have any Adderall. Instead, he told Remington and Gibaratz that Denis asked for Adderall, and the plan was hatched to intoxicate Denis with MDMA and MOLLY instead. Denis last goggle search at 11:07 PM on March 18th 2019 was Ritalin, a similar prescription medication to Adderall, because the last Google search on Denis’ computer was “side effects of Adderall.”
The videos taken of Denis by Nicholas Remington and posted on Snapchat, it’s obvious is in extreme distress and is no longer in control of his faculties. Not only do the three co-conspirators humiliate Denis while struggling to breath, but they also assault him while unconscious by pouring an unknown substance in his face and feeding from a coffee cup. The Medical Examiner told us the time of Denis’ death due MOLLY intoxication with severe edema and congestion of the brain and lungs would have been measured in minutes, not hours, of the time of the last video with a filter "it's Watering Time!" posted on March 19, 2019 1:50 AM assaulting throwing water at his face and while clearly shows his under agony breathing.
The toxicology results showed 230 ng/ML MDA and 11000 ng/ML MDMA (MOLLY) 80 Times more that a fatal dose in Denis’ system.
Throughout the entire four hour-long suffering, none of them call 911 to help Denis. What’s more, once they realize he had died, they put into action a serious of events to cover up the crime and protect Nicholas Remington, the one who provided MDMA & MOLLY that killed Denis.
The police executed a search warrant to Snapchat for transcripts of Remington’s account. In the transcript, Remington admits to 12 people when asked,
"What is he on“ What did you give him?” "What his on? "
Replies Those same transcripts have an exchange between Remington and Gibaratz where Gibaratz writes about how Remington is a “murderer” for giving so much to Denis. Gibaratz also told other people Remington gave Denis the drugs under the pretense it was a “study drug.” These transcripts are available on this Justice for Denis website.
Parents, as difficult as it is to watch this video, we implore you to watch it with your teenage children. It's so important that young people are vigilant and careful, even in situations that seem perfectly safe. Parents, please appreciate every minute you have with your kids, and never assume tomorrow is guaranteed (James 4:13-24). If you are estranged from your children, I beg you to pick up the phone right now and talk to your child because it could be the last opportunity you get. One never knows.
My message to young people is this; nobody loves you as much as your parents. Please take a minute to consider who your truly royal friends are. Friendship isn't found in social media "likes," it's built through personal relationships forged in trials and triumphs. Friendship is tested and perseveres through selfless acts of personal sacrifice and love.
What happened to my son is proof Paul Wiedmaier was not a best friend or a person to be trusted. He did not care about Denis' safety or even his life. Instead, he allowed a poor member of our community, Nicholas Remington, inside his house, and contributed to four hours of unimaginable suffering for Denis. Suffering that continued until his last breath.